Ha Giang

How To Go From Hanoi To Ha Giang

The overland distance from Hanoi to Ha Giang is about 300 km. There are 4 options to go from Hanoi to Ha Giang van, private taxi, train + bus via Lao Cai, or by motorbike. Taking a bus is the most popular and cheapest way to get to Ha Giang Province.

The overland distance from Hanoi to Ha Giang is about 300 km. There are 4 options to go from Hanoi to Ha Giang van, private taxi, train + bus via Lao Cai, or by motorbike. Taking a bus is the most popular and cheapest way to get to Ha Giang Province.

The 4 best ways to get from Hanoi to Ha Giang

Điểm danh những xe khách Hà Nội đi Hà Giang được ưa chuộng nhất

There are reliable private bus companies and bus tickets start at $8-10 per person. You can travel by sleeper bus (+ night), or modern minivan or limousine. You can also take a taxi/private car to Ha Giang, which is the most comfortable but the most expensive option. You can book your car online.

Ha Giang has no train connections and no airport, so you’ll need to take a bus/van, taxi/car (or motorbike – IDP required, for most experienced drivers). Buses depart from various stations in Hanoi, but there are also several private buses or minivans departing from Noi Bai Airport.

Ha Giang is the most beautiful and unexplored place. Vietnam has a lot of beautiful places, but sometimes these places are too crowded. Mountains, parks, nature, hills, ethnic villages, real rural life, beautiful scenery, no mass tourism (it will change slowly). Ha Giang has everything. If you want to explore this remarkable province, rent a motorbike and do it yourself. Ha Giang’s detour by motorbike is very popular with tourists. There are also some local buses in the province, but these buses are not convenient for traveling. If you go to the farthest places (and the most beautiful places – Dong Van, Meo Vac, Lung Cu Flagpole…), you must buy a permit ($10/person). From Ha Giang, you can also take a bus, van, or car to Sapa in Lao Cai province.

Transport – Hanoi to Ha Giang: travel time cost range
Passenger car / Van 5-6 hours $9-20/person
private car/taxi 4-5 hours $120-440 / car
motorbike 6-7 hours $7-15 / 1 day

See more: Hanoi laundry shop

Bus from Hanoi to Ha Giang

Tổng hợp giá vé xe Hà Nội Hà Giang mới nhất năm 2021

It takes about 5.5-7 hours from Hanoi to Ha Giang by bus

There are several direct buses from Hanoi to Ha Giang and from Ha Giang to Hanoi

Comfortable and modern sleeper bus, VIP luxury van + minibus and limousine

Bus companies from Hanoi to Ha Giang:  Hung Thanh, Quang Nghi, Truly Ha Giang, Full Moon, Good Morning Cat Ba, Express Ha Giang, Bang Phang, Quang Giang, Khanh Hang, and other bus companies

Bus fare from Hanoi to Ha Giang is about 9-22 USD/person

Buses depart from different bus stations in Hanoi, check this update online

There are also several buses from Noi Bai Airport to Ha Giang

This is a popular bus route from Hanoi to Ha Giang. You can book a ticket online and You will receive your e-ticket by email, ready to print or bring on your mobile phone or tablet to present before boarding or at the ticket counter at the station, read the information before buying a ticket

Limousine from Hanoi to Ha Giang

Xe Limousine Epic Ha Giang - Ha Giang Epic Tour

The most convenient way to get from Hanoi to Ha Giang

Luxury passenger car, minivan, or private air-conditioned limousine

Bus companies – Truly Ha Giang, Quang Giang, Grouptour, and other small companies

One-way bus fare from Hanoi to Ha Giang is about 16-20 USD/person

There is also a Truly Ha Giang van from Noi Bai Airport

Taxi or private car from Hanoi to Ha Giang

Hanoi to Hai Phong By Private Car Transfer - Hoi An Private Taxi

You can also go from Hanoi to Ha Giang by private car or private taxi

About 6 hours from Hanoi to Ha Giang by taxi/private car

Private Taxi Hanoi Ha Giang: Book a Car, Vietnam Technology Travel, Group tour

If you are traveling with a group, this is a great form of transportation (minivan with 9 passengers)

The cost of taking a private car/taxi from Hanoi to Ha Giang is about 120-440 USD/car.

Train, bus from Hanoi to Ha Giang

Lào Cai Railway Station | railcc

Ha Giang has no trains. The next way is to take a train or bus from Hanoi to Lao Cai town (for visitors to Sapa or Bac Ha).

It takes about 8 hours from Hanoi to Lao Cai by train or 4 hours by bus

You must take a local bus from Lao Cai to Ha Giang (this bus route takes about 5 hours)

You can stop at Bac Ha town to visit the  Bac Ha ethnic Sunday market

This is a popular route from Hanoi to Lao Cai – recommended – book train tickets online

E-ticket sent by email, which can be printed or carried on your mobile phone or tablet and presented upon boarding

For bookings made by private railway companies Fanxipan Express, King Express, Orient Express, Sapaly Express, Livitrans Express, and Chapa Express > You will receive an email voucher to collect your physical ticket at the station before boarding, you can read this article: 10 luxury train rides from Hanoi to Lao Cai.

Ride a motorbike from Hanoi to Ha Giang

HA GIANG EASY RIDER in 3D3N - YESD Authentic Responsible Tours

You can also ride a motorbike from Hanoi to Ha Giang

This is a good form of transportation only if you are an experienced motorcycle rider

You must have an IDP – International Driving Permit

It takes about 8-10 hours by motorbike from Hanoi to Ha Giang (depending on your driving skills)

You will drive through many beautiful natural landscapes

Book a Ha Giang tour

You can also search and book tours to Ha Giang Province

There are many different types of tours (motorcycle tours, trekking, cycling, etc.)

For example 3-6 days in Ha Giang province or about 9-20 days in North Vietnam

Local guide from Vietnam, you can also find tours in other famous cities

Where to rent a motorbike in Ha Giang?


Many tourists rent motorbikes in Ha Giang town and go to the North Pole (Tong Van, Meo Vac, Long Ju, Mailing pass…). The price of renting a motorbike for a day is about 7-15 USD/person. You can search and book motorbikes and scooters in Ha Giang online at Bikes Booking or you can also come and rent motorbikes at QT. There are contact details on their website where you can find out about their facility. For this mountainous area, I would recommend a more powerful bike than a scooter. A good option is a semi-automatic bicycle. Before you go, check and test drive your motorcycle.

Important Note: The Ha Giang Cycle Detour and motorbike tours in Ha Giang Province are a good choice for experienced drivers – these mountain roads can be dangerous. You must also have an international driver’s license or a Vietnamese driver’s license if you want to avoid trouble with the police.

these are the ways to get from Hanoi to Ha Giang. We highly recommend you book a ticket bus. If you need support please contact AnnieGo.


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