Hanoi to Da Nang

How To Get From Hanoi To Da Nang By Train

Most tourists prefer to from Hanoi to Da Nang by train because it gives them some interesting experiences. Tourists are sure to marvel at the beautiful scenery seen through the train’s windows. Therefore, this review will help visitors know some information about trains from Da Nang to Hanoi including schedules and fares. Get from Hanoi

Most tourists prefer to from Hanoi to Da Nang by train because it gives them some interesting experiences. Tourists are sure to marvel at the beautiful scenery seen through the train’s windows. Therefore, this review will help visitors know some information about trains from Da Nang to Hanoi including schedules and fares.

Get from Hanoi to Da Nang by train

Train travel in Vietnam: From Hanoi to Hue by night train

Da Nang is a beautiful city with one of the most beautiful beaches on earth. Da Nang attracts visitors to its high mountains and clear beaches. Therefore, this place often welcomes thousands of tourists every year, especially foreign tourists. Tourists like to come to Da Nang because they want to have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery. For many years, this place is still an ideal destination for Vietnamese and foreign tourists.

The distance from Hanoi to Da Nang is about 767 km. Travel time is at least 15 hours, depending on different trains. Every day there are 6 trains including SE7, SE5, SE9, SE3, SE19, and SE1 with a variety of seats/berths. Therefore, travelers can easily choose the right departure time for their journey.

Rigid Seats (NC and NCL): This type of seat is made of wood and then fixed to the vessel. Sitting in a hard chair makes everyone feel comfortable. However, if visitors have to sit for a long time, it will be very scary. The price of one is the cheapest in the chair category. Therefore, they are chosen by many tourists at affordable prices. Also, it helps them save money while traveling.

Travelers in these seats can’t recline, so it’s not an option for long trips. However, if visitors choose the day train, we think they will be well enough to sit back and enjoy the view from the window.

Soft seats (NM and NML): These seats have thin cushions for extra comfort. Also, they are more expensive than hard seats. However, the price is relatively affordable, so it is often chosen by many tourists. Soft seats, they can recline about 15 degrees. This option is suitable for daytime trains. Guests will use their time on board to take a few photos and see some of the scenery. On the contrary, they should not use them on night trains, because no matter how soft the seats are, they will still feel aches and pains.

Travelling from Hanoi to Da Nang by Train - Hidden Hoian

Hard berth (BNL): Each cabin has 6 berths divided into 3 floors (2 berths per floor). The hard sleeper bus is equipped with a thin mattress, so you can sleep comfortably during the journey. It seems that the hard bed is the best choice for travelers. Some tourists have their own private space. So they can take a break and work on their laptop or make a phone call. Passengers choosing the third cabin bed may find it a bit inconvenient as it will be more difficult to go downstairs if you need to get out of the cabin.

Hard carriages are suitable for night trains, as travelers can relax and sleep well. They can lie comfortably. We believe that this will be an unforgettable memory for visitors. In addition, they are quite expensive. Visitors should refer to the corresponding advantages to choose a good chair

Soft bed (ANL): In the cabin, there are only 4 berths, and each berth is equipped with thick cushions. Therefore, they bring the greatest convenience to visitors when using. Each visitor has a private space where they can do something, including work and relaxation. There is nothing better than admiring the beautiful scenery and enjoying their journey. Soft sleepers, they don’t need to worry about health problems like fatigue or low back pain.

In addition, visitors have also installed some reading lights at all berths. Some sockets are essential for them, as travelers always need them to charge their phones due to long trips. Their prices are the most expensive among the Hanoi-Da Nang trains because of the convenience they bring to tourists.

Train price list Hanoi – Danang

Schedules and prices seem to be the main points that tourists want to know in detail. Train price Da Nang – Hanoi depends on the type of sleeper/bed selected by the traveler. Take a look at the table below:

train departure time Time to come Stage price
one LT1 ONE LT2 Patient LT1 Patient LT2 Patient LT3 nano CNC General practitioner
SE7 6:00 22:21 16 hours 21 minutes $41 $40 $39 $38 $31 $24 $19 $13
SE5 nine thirty 1h06 16 hours 06 minutes $40 $39 $38 $37 $30 $23 $18 $12
SE9 14:30 7:35 17 hours 05 minutes $39 $38 $49 $37 $29 $22 $18 $11
SE3 19:30 11:05 15 hours 35 minutes $44 $43 $42 $41 $34 $27 x $17
SE19 20:10 12:20 16 hours 10 minutes $36 $35 $34 $33 $26 20 dollar x 10 USD
SE1 22:20 13:25 15 hours 5 minutes $43 $42 $41 $40 $32 $25 x 15 dollars


  • AN: 4-bed sleeper cabin (LT1: 1st floor / LT2: 2nd floor)
  • Patient: Bed compartment with 6 beds (LT1: Concubine 1/ LT2: Concubine 2/ LT3: Concubine 3)
  • NM: Soft seat (NML: soft seat with air conditioner)
  • NC: Hard seat (NCL: hard seat with air conditioning)
  • GP: Extra seats (seats are made of plastic and will be sold when the first tickets of all trains are sold out)

Why is the train from Hanoi to Da Nang the best way to travel?

Trains from Ninh Binh to Da Nang from VND 658k Jun 2023 ✓

The train from Da Nang to Hanoi has many advantages. Let’s discover these special things with AnnieGo.

  • First of all, traveling by train makes tourists feel comfortable. Visitors can only be present at the gas station about 30 minutes before departure time. Trains do not carry passengers along the streets like buses. For the elderly, children, or tourists who are prone to motion sickness, traveling by train will help them solve these problems. If they choose first class, they can enjoy a private space during the journey where they can read, take photos and work on their laptops.
  • Second, visitors can learn about some of the places where the train passes and the North-South railway in Vietnam.
  • Third, the beauty of Hai Van Pass built by the Vietnamese many years ago will surely amaze visitors.

In the past, all musical instruments were very rudimentary. Therefore, the people of Vietnam, including soldiers and farmers, used hoes and shovels to open a road about 21 km long connecting Da Nang and Hue.

Also, the daytime trains help them to see some beautiful scenery outside the window. Some majestic mountains, calm lake surface, and clear blue sky form a poetic picture of nature. Why don’t we take a photo to preserve some memories of these wonderful trips? AnnieGo wants travelers to be satisfied with their journey.

All in all, traveling by train has something great to offer tourists. Try them out.

Local tips for getting from Hanoi to Da Nang by train


  • Visitors should carefully consider the schedule and prices of trains from Hanoi to Da Nang.
  • Take your ID card or passport and put it in your suitcase.
  • Book early for the best seats or berths.
  • Double-check ticket departure time, bus location, and seat/sleeping station.
  • Visitors should arrive at the gas station about 30 minutes earlier than the departure time.
  • Read some reviews on the internet to choose the right train for their schedule.

We believe that traveling by train will bring interesting experiences to visitors, especially foreign tourists. They can appreciate some beautiful places in Vietnam with clear blue skies, dramatic beaches, and white sand. They had the opportunity to learn some interesting things while traveling through several provinces of Vietnam before setting foot in Saigon.

AnnieGo has some great services, including ticket booking and advice for travelers. So, if you need more information for get from Hanoi to Da Nang by train, please contact AnnieGo. Also, they should read some AnnieGo reviews to gain experience. We hope they will create good memories in Danang.  Are you ready for your Da nang trip? We are happy to serve you.


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